Monday, August 16, 2010

Blink Before You Read

I have found that my blog posts have an amazing ability. Most of the comments that I receive are from some very wonderful characters that I have previously been introduced to. Richard Kimble, Buster Bluth, even myself from the future. Up until now I have not been familiar with any device or method that could make fictional characters come to life and actually talk to me. I should be elated to make this discovery, and be the cause on why these beings are coming to life. However, these characters are not my favorites from the world of film and television. The Man With No Name from the spaghetti westerns would be interesting to talk to about his view of today's world. Hannibal Lecter would provide a great psychological/historical/philosophical dialogue before getting too hungry. Gandalf the Grey would be extremely entertaining to have around. One thing I am pleased to know is that some point in the future, I will have found a way to travel through time, at lease through cyberspace. I look forward to that day.

There is a new dog in the house for a short amount of time. This one is more pleasant due to its lack of activity. I can't even tell if the dog likes me, but she at least tolerates me sitting by her while petting her back. She's had several names at this point, but I'm calling her Keanu, after Keanu Reeves. And not because I like the actor that much, but because at any one point it is impossible to tell what exactly she is feeling. She sits on the floor, the couch, eats, sleeps, walks around and watches TV all with the exact some expression, poise, and posture. If Keanu has been successful as he has been, this dog could be a jackpot for a producer with no ideas and half a brain.

Which reminds me, I saw "The Expendables" this past weekend. Thank God someone finally knows how to make an action flick. For any one in Hollywood, watch this movie and take a hint. Also understand that when a movie is rated R, it's not because the director and editor fucked up and accidentally left too gory of a scene. It's rated R because it's action. There should be bones breaking, body parts flying and blood spraying. If you want to see a movie that squirts testosterone like an orange squirts juice, then go see this. If you're a pansy ass, I think "Salt" is still playing.

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