Monday, December 6, 2010

The Tide of My Fingers

As I'm home for awhile it's time for me to get back into the blogging habit of mine.

Now that it is the holidays I'm waiting to hear of two things: One is someone gets trampled to death because it was their life long dream to die while being the very first in a store at 6am. The second is to hear the words "war on Christmas." I'm not sure what war this is. As far as I'm aware it is simply people exercising their constitutional right for religious freedom. If Christians don't like people advocating against Christmas Trees and Santas being in department stores, then I would suggest they move to a country that does not have religious freedom. Like China. I'm sure they'll see all the Christmas trees they want while there. Or maybe not. Maybe if they want to see Christmas trees in public places, they should go to Rockefeller Center. There's a big one there.

And if someone is going to push the dilemma on me "What if the tree in Rockefeller Center was wanting to be taken down." My response to that would be if the Supreme Court deemed a tree there was unconstitutional, so be it. But for those Christians who just can't celebrate and be merry without having a tree everywhere, don't worry. The Supreme Court would never make such a liberal decision.

I'm quite tired of these commercials polluting the airwaves, taking Christmas songs that are already stuck in my head and substituting their own cheesy lyrics. "We Dish you a Merry Christmas." "Happy Honda Days." Really? Since these companies are wanting to be so clever with advertising, I've some ideas of my own.

"Do you beer what I beer?" Budweiser.
"Jingle Bells." Trojan condoms. No rewrite needed.
"Frosty the Bank Man" Chase or Bank of America foreclosing houses.
"Wreck the Halls" Any restoration/remodel company.

That's just a few, but you get the idea.

I'm told it's dinner time. That might make some of you hungry.

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