Monday, December 14, 2009

Weatherman: A useless occupation

For those of you who live in the Portland area, I'm sure you're aware of the horrible failures that the weathermen in this area have become. It's not enough that Portland news has to hype itself up to a false standard of importance, now the weathermen are getting paid enough to lead people to delusional standards. I suppose they think we're stupid. In some cases they're right. Unfortunately I fell victim to they're nasty trick, believed that we would have an ice storm. Fortunately I didn't go to such great strides preparing such as getting snow tires after waiting eight hours at Les Schwabb or buy deicer. This "failure of the century" has made me cross lines that I didn't think even existed. I'm not relying on the the weather anymore. It's more useful to me to stick my hand out the window and predict it's going to rain elephants. Hell I'd still probably be right the same percent of the time that the meterologists who get paid to do this false profession are.

And please no one tell me that "predicting the weather is hard." Determining whether it will be showers or rain all day is hard. An ice storm or a bit of rain is like deciding whether a house cat or a grizzly bear will make a better pet. Everyone knows why they predicted this so poorly: ratings. Tell the world the sky is falling and everyone will listen to you. In my opinion these people fall into the same category as the crazies on the street corner telling you the world is ending or that they are Jesus.

It's disappointing to me to see how far the Capitalism Apple falls. Taking something like predicting the weather and manipulating it to get more money is a shameful act. But as the book Freakonomics taught me, people are driven by incentives. As long as their are advertisements on the channel you're watching, don't trust the information being given, at least not the weather. All you can do is rely on yourself and remember it's sunnier and warmer in the summer, and rainy and snowy more often in the winter. Prepare accordingly. Not according to the weathermen on every channel.

Never have I seen someone in a job be wrong so often, and still be employed. If I pulled this crap everyday not only would I get fired, no one at work would respect me. In my opinion Oregon now has two useless jobs, the attendants who pump your gas and weathermen. Fortunately I usually fill up in a state other than Oregon, and I can always turn the TV off.

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