Monday, January 25, 2010

Perhaps a Case of the Mondays

I don't feel like writing.

Nothing has me worked up. Perhaps this blog writing so regularly is a little too therapeutic, or maybe I'm too busy to focus on things between work, reading Youth in Revolt and watching "Lost."

My cat's aren't being so annoying right now. A few days ago they decided to start crying outside the door at six AM in order to be let inside the bedroom. My solution to that was to turn up the fan to drown out the sound. I haven't heard a peep since.

I just saw the movie "The Queen." I never realized the Queen was so snobbish and self centered. Then again, she is a queen, what else am I too expect? That she would be charismatic, charming and a prankster?

Oh man, now I'm going to have Britain all over my ass.

Monday, January 11, 2010

A Thinking Cap is Not a Fashion Statement

I hope that when I get too old to drive, I'll realize it and put down my keys, before I kill someone.

I was at the grocery store the other day and the checker asked the person ahead of me if she would like any help out. As far as I know, this question was asked for no obvious reason of physical disability, just good customer service. I was wondering if she was going to ask me and as luck would have it, she did. I said no, but it got me thinking how often is that question asked now? I remember when I was a child, going to the store with my mom, she was offered help out, but that was first time in like fifteen years I heard that question. Is it because customer service has gone down and employees just don't ask anymore, or is it because the staffing for that sort of thing just isn't done now?

My neighbors were talking in the entry way, I had to go spy on them just now. No matter how often I spy on them, they never do anything interesting. One of these days though, I'm gonna see some shit go down.

Back to the grocery store. If you shop at Fred Meyer you may have noticed they have these check out lanes now that say (Express Lane (about 12 items)). One time when checking out in one of these lanes, the checker while scanning my items, actually reminded me it was a lane for only twelve items. The next time a checker has the gumption to remind of this mathematical phenomenon I'm going to remind them of what the sign says, "It says about twelve items and apparently I decided to round up today." Maybe this wouldn't annoy me so much if there weren't five lanes of "about 12 items." I understand the use of express lanes, but we don't need seven of them in a store, and the checkers should be appreciative of the fact that I'm actually utilizing them to scan me out, as opposed to those self scan aisles. I'm trying to keep these people employed and some of them have to remind me of arbitrary rules.

In addition, Express Lanes in a grocery store, or any kind of store don't make sense. In retail the big push is profit and the more the customer buys, the happier the store is. Although it would be more aggravating, it would make much more sense in this capitalistic country to have a "50 items or more" lane. No one can leave the store, until they've bought fifty items. Now that's capitalism. I foresee this in our distant future.

Monday, January 4, 2010

No New Direction

So I said I would try to update every Monday, however when you get sick and it gets to be the holidays, plans can go awry.

I really try not to do anything online when I'm sick, just in case anyone from work may be watching. I don't want to call in, go on facebook at 10 in the morning and have my boss ask me if I'm feeling better. It's just one of those situations you do not want to find yourself in. And in case anyone from work is reading, yes, I really was sick, evidence of me still having the sniffles. This stuff just wont quit.

I flew up to Whistler for a couple of days to ski. I was glad I went as I hadn't been up there in two years. I was a little timid skiing for the first time in so long, but towards the end of the day I was really starting to get into the hang of it. I have to to make sure it's not another two years before I go skiing again.

Now that it's a new decade people feel compelled to categorize everything into top ten lists. I've been asked a couple of times what the best movies of the past decade are. This is a reasonable question as I love movies. However I cannot conceive of compiling all my favorite movies into a list of a hierarchical structure. It's impossible for me to do. Just as it is impossible for some people to drive like they have a license. It's not going to happen. You can ask me, but there likely won't be an answer. Even asking me my favorite movie of all time, I cannot do. I've seen too many and there are too many I enjoy. Each has wonderful qualities that I cannot ignore or toss to the side.

Christmas was awesome, I got cool stuff, that's all that's worth saying. However I do have to go out and buy a High def TV for my Blu Ray Player now.

Ta for now, back on Monday.