Monday, April 26, 2010

Change the Pace to Stop

I've been moving for the last three days. Maybe I should rephrase that. I've been moving to a new address for the last three days. Moving is a very general term and I didn't wan't anyone to think that I've just simply been moving, as if moving for me is an unusual performance. However it would explain the punctuality of my posts.

Aside from all the other laborious activities that go into moving, one thing I've been doing is lifting heavy boxes. I'm not complaining, I could've moved each thing one at a time and not have to worry about heavy items. What I've noticed though is the slightly increased mass to my muscles. I'm am not a big man, nor a muscular one. Keeping these two facts in mind, they are unbelievable considering how much crap I eat, and how little I exercise, (though I assure you I do move). I know to get bigger muscles one must work out for a few weeks and then see results, but for me, results seem to take only hours. I would think it would be my imagination if my fiance did not agree with me, but she sees it too as I lift her above my head, as if I were performing for the WWE or WWF or whatever the hell it is called now. Or did it ever change names? This is how little I care about such things.

It is times like this that make me realize how lucky I am to have such a potentially athletic body. And I think perhaps maybe I'll begin to work out, so my brothers don't look at me in disgust anymore while I eat a bowl of chocolate ice cream with chocolate syrup seductively drizzled over the top of each mounding scoop. Then I think that I don't really want to sign up for a gym membership, or buy weights as they aren't convenient for my new address. Oh, I almost forgot, I'm also kind of lazy. I have that working against me as well.

1 comment:

  1. I heard your two brothers are in amazing shape and just ran a marathon together. I also heard they are incredibly good looking and have such piercing blue eyes that when they look at you, one feels as if they are peering into your soul.

    Signed, Sexy Blonde Girl
