Monday, March 15, 2010

So You Think You Can Prance?

Bit by bit as time has gone by, I've learned to survive independently in this world. Ten years ago I wouldn't have believed it myself, but what 14 year old actually envisions themselves living on their own one day (Other than one from a broken household)? I forgot a payment on my credit card. Of course I was hit with quite a high interest rate. Once I realized my mistake I immediately paid the full amount. It was just a simple switch in my head that I flipped. Most people, upon realizing what they owe would've either thrown away the statement, or called in a furious rage. I base my "most people" statistic upon the ever enduring economy we currently are under. If banks and home owners had been more responsible this mess would not have gotten so bad, but I digress.

While writing that check, my mind was going through this simple explanation, "I signed a contract and said if I didn't pay up, this is what I owe." It was simple to me. Some people however, don't seem to understand this concept. Or perhaps they don't understand that typically one should use their credit card like a debit card. I'm not really talking about the people who have credit cards for emergencies, or the ones who use them to pay off education. Mostly I'm talking about the irresponsible greedy people who have $20,000 of debt because they bought too many clothes and jewelry and can't help themselves. I have one word for these people: STOP. If these people have as much time on their hands and as much fictional money, the least they can do is donate some of their used and unused purchases to goodwill and other places. How come no one goes in debt because they donated $20,000 to charity? Why isn't there that impulse in some of us? This is the reason I don't hold much hope for humanity. We're greedy, irresponsible people who only look out for ourselves. We take what we don't need and don't give what we don't want.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not entirely negative. Most people are friendly enough to strangers and most people obey the law. But we look out only for ourselves, and sometimes those who are close to us. Nothing more than that. There are good things in this world, people who are wholly selfless. But I can't help but think there are other people out who will take advantage of another person's kindness. I've seen and heard it happen before and I don't expect it to stop.

Anyway the point of all this is, spend wisely and don't abuse your credit card. If we can stop doing that, then maybe we can move on to other things, like focusing on helping other people. Or maybe improving our education and health care systems. What's amazing to me is people don't like to pay taxes, but some of them love to owe money to corporations that they wouldn't be in debt to if they had been a little more responsible.

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