Monday, June 7, 2010


Rush Limbaugh is married. I can't quite conceive of the idea that someone can stand to be married to that guy, much less bear to look at him. He is so physically unattractive I can't even bring myself to consider him to be a member of the same species as myself. If a baboon's ass was it's own species, I would possibly consider him being one of those, but instead he just constantly acts like one.

I've recently been watching TV, and there is a commercial out now that attempts to gain the attention of men over the age of 45. It asks if they haven't been feeling like they used to, when they were in their 20's and 30's and wanted to have drunken wild sex and dance all night. If so, they may have something called LT, which I believe the full name is Lymphotoxin and which I can find very little information on.

I have a question about this commercial; What happened to just getting old? Does that not happen anymore? Does the medical community actually have to diagnose everything? Are you more tired than you used to be? Don't go out with your wife as frequently as you used to? Do you have gray hair? Do you have wrinkles? Of course, unless you're a corpse, this shit happens. No wonder our medical system is so far down the toilet. We waste money on finding diagnoses for symptoms that have always existed since the extinction of the dinosaurs, and dupe people into believing that they have Glutessummissus, which is a sagging of the ass. We get old, our hair grays, our skin wrinkles, and we have less energy. There is nothing wrong with you.

As a response to a comment I had in my previous post, someone, "London Caller" mentioned the correlation between divorce and the more independent women have become over the last fifty or so years. I had thought about this as well as I was writing the blog, but had decided to leave out the theory as I had not done any research on it. I still haven't as I believe the theory is pretty sound and I do not wish to pursue the matter, but I do happen to agree that women in the work force has given rise to divorce. This is to say nothing bad of women, more power to them. It's just astonishing to me how many divorces their are. But there have always been bad marriages, and most likely there always will be, so if you see a chance to get out of one, go for it.

And for one final tidbit, Helen Thomas is no longer a correspondent for the White House, due to some ill advised remarks about the Israelis in Palestine. She can say what she wants, she is entitled to that, but she shouldn't apologize for what she said. It's clear how she feels about the matter and there's no point in apologizing, especially since she retired due to the remarks.

Say what you want, Helen, no one's holding you back. Clearly Rush says what he wants and he is still employed, although I wouldn't call what he does a "living" or even an existence.


  1. "No wonder our medical system is so far down the toilet."

    Do you really consider the for-profit beauty enhancement industry part of our medical system? If you do, do you believe the problems you mention above that are characteristic of the beauty enhancement industry also pertain to the other institutions of the medical industry as a whole, e.g. hospitals (for profit and not for profit), research universities, health clinics?

    A blog about the culture of beauty in this country could be enlightening, esp. as you are getting married soon.

    Richard Kimble M.D.

  2. Well, "Richard" as the commercial was not about beauty enhancement, no, I do not consider the beauty enhancement industry as a part of our medical system. The commercial was about boosting energy for aging men who don't realize it is completely natural to lose some energy as one gets older.

    My comment referred to the fact that some people will buy into this crap, and some of those people will actually have insurance cover the purchase of the product for them, instead of them having to buy it for themselves.

    I don't believe insurance should cover anything like that. I think it should be used only for things people need, like chemotherapy. Not pills that will make you have more energy,


  3. Hi M.c.,

    Thank you for clearing that up.

    I have one more query, regarding the following quote, in reference to Mr. Limbaugh:

    "He is so physically unattractive I can't even bring myself to consider him to be a member of the same species as myself."

    It seems to me that through comments like this you apply pressure to individuals to conform to universal standards of beauty. These same standards of beauty are used in the commercials you mention above to encourage people to buy beauty products. Finally, you become frustrated when people yield to the very pressures you helped exert.

    Do you not think it hypocritical to belittle a man based solely on his physical appearance, and then castigate society for not letting the natural aging process take place?

    Perhaps through the juxtaposition of these paragraphs there is some irony that was intended but I did not perceive. If this irony is absent, wouldn't comments like the one to begin this article indirectly cause more people to use the beauty enhancements you so deplore?

    Finally, I understand you are making fun of Mr. Limbaugh, who will probably never read this blog. But by stating your unfavorable impressions of Mr. Limbaugh's appearance, don't you think it will create the impression in others' minds that the physical appearance of others is very important to you? That you are silently judging them for their physical appearance? I understand that part of the reason you selected Mr. Limbaugh is that you disagree with him politically. But why not stick to the issues?

    For me personally, while I don't consider myself vain, I would probably be willing to spend a certain amount of money to ensure that bloggers such as yourself couldn't classify me in the positive according to the "baboon's ass" standard of beauty.

    I would like to type more, but I must return to my patients.


  4. Then again, how can a reader take anything you say seriously, Dr. Kimball? Isn't it true that through illegal access of medical records you identified the one-armed assailant who killed your wife and caused you to spend valuable years of your life incarcerated? And isn't it also true that based on these prior experiences one might say you would have a vested interest in insuring that people cannot beautify themselves so as to set-up or frame innocent civilians? And isn't it also true that it's kind of sad that you could not best a one-armed man, prostheses and all, in a fight for your freedom? Just sayin'.
    Dr. Patch Adams, PhD, MD, DDS
