Monday, May 24, 2010

The Flip Side of the Dark Side

I wonder if a police officer, while driving in their patrol car, would wish that everyone would just start driving crazy. Not to pull any one over, but just to change things up a bit. Because when you're driving near a police officer you try to do everything perfect. You check your blind spot, look in your rear view mirror, start to move that lever up or down to begin that annoying clicking sound to indicate you will not resume your present course (what was that thing called again)? And you come to complete stops at stop signs, even if it is completely unnecessary. Sometimes I wonder if an officer says to themselves "Just drive through the damn intersection! It's an all stop! Just roll through it like you normally do, it's more efficient and it saves gas!"

I kind of doubt it, but the thought is amusing.

I was eating at a fast food restaurant the other day, actually I went through the drive through and after ordering they told me to pull up to the second window. Why is it the second window? Why not the first? And why are there two windows when every restaurant I drive through only uses the popular second one? As a kid I just thought it was the remnant of some system that was now obsolete. But restaurants are still being constructed with this ubiquitous second window. And I still never use the first. It's odd.

Actually, just a couple of days ago I got to use a first window. It was at McDonalds at 1:30 in the morning.

Why was I at McDonald's at 1:30 in the morning?
Don't ask questions, just listen to the story.

They told me to drive up to the first window. I did and handed them some plastic, which they promptly returned. Then I waited, and waited. And waited. Until I saw a paper bag being waved at me from the second window. Apparently I had been caught off guard by this revolutionary two window system. I pulled forward and grabbed my food.

"Why didn't you tell me to pull up to the second window?" I asked.
The man in the adorable outfit replied, "This is the way it's always been."

What planet was I on again? What rebellious institution had I decided to invest time and money into?

I curtly responded, "Well that may be, but you still need to let me know."

I peeled away. I have no patience for poor customer service. Not that I was expecting anything great from McDonald's, it's sort of the Walmart of fast food, but at least tell me where I can get my food. It is the one thing I do expect after all. It's like going to a gas station and they've hidden all the gas pumps from you. It's rude.

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